get heard in the courtroom

protect your family &

reclaim your joy

Lauren is so calming, authentic, and brilliant. Working with Lauren is truly magical. In a world where few people can be a safe space for the nuanced experience of protective parents, Lauren is a lighthouse of power and grace.
— Meredith
Lauren is such an incredible soul- patient, measured, unbelievably in tune with others.
— Ellie
When looking for a coach, I need to feel an authentic connection. I instantly felt this with Lauren.
— Lois
I have so much I could say. Being with Lauren feels like sitting across from a lifelong friend.

Lauren is a life giver. There are people that fill cups and people that empty cups. But Lauren is definitely one that pours into people. Just light, and love, and for me personally, hope.

She’s a writer, a dreamer, and also just paving the way into new uncharted territories.
— Rebecca
Lauren will be an amazing resource and advocate for those attempting to navigate the family court system. She is a natural when it comes to navigating the language of the family court system, while helping people to move forward in their healing journeys. It was clear that Lauren has done her own personal healing work, and will be of value to those who cross her path.
— Tina Swithin
I love so much that your name is FREE because that is so fully how I see you! You are all kinds of next level strength and so so beautifully tender with yourself and others.
— Anna

During my own family court case, I remember looking at divorce coaches and wondering if they could actually help. After being regularly failed by others’ lack of understanding, I was skeptical. Even something about the name “divorce coach” felt depressing. I researched a few; they seemed all about the tasks. I was already sort of a task-boss, so I wondered, what’s the point?

Here are a few of the things we can partner on:

  • Absolutely becoming a task-boss team (if you want): developing an approach to best tackle your legal work, structuring your interactions so that you are using your attorney’s time as efficiently as possible (potentially reducing billable hours), and organizing your materials in such a way that you might just end up being one of your attorney’s favorite clients.

  • Navigating the family court system when going up against individuals with cluster-b, antisocial, or high conflict traits, and help you develop ideas or questions to discuss with your attorney.

  • Understanding the capacity and constraints of the legal system, and how to work within them instead of against them.

  • Learning and problem-solving together about things we don’t know yet (because neither of us are a human encyclopedia, and there’s no one-size-fits-all roadmap). This also means that I will be learning from you with an appreciative and open mind.

  • Sharing resources and experience on parenting/co-parenting traumatized kids, and how you can help develop critical thinking skills and resiliency within your family.

  • Supporting you as you form your dynamic team, sharing knowledge of other experts who understand high conflict dynamics, and helping you to cultivate your own intuition around who will best meet your family’s needs.

  • Learning how to communicate in a way that will help you be heard during your case which can include testimony, speaking with your attorney, and other professionals.

  • Reviewing your communication with your ex-partner (or soon to be ex), providing ideas and feedback, and helping you find more confidence about your communications.

  • Figuring out a more tolerable way to co-parent with a high-conflict individual, or even the person who abused you.

  • Practicing setting boundaries - both external and internal.

  • Making mindset shifts, and creating practices that can help process difficult emotions with more agility, as well as finding ways to help soothe your nervous system.

  • Finding ways to cope with being in a state of constant litigation, accessing more and more emotional freedom from you ex-partner.

  • Validating your experience, providing hope, and helping you remember your mind-blowing strength.

  • And giggling… (when we get there).

My Approach & Background

  • I believe you are the expert on your family

  • Nurture and develop your intuition

  • Bolster your voice and help you develop the skills be heard believed

  • Balance mindset work with your legal strategy and deliverables (you are big part of your overall strategy)

  • Trauma-informed

  • Trained as a Mindfulness-Based Meditation guide as part of Cornell Health’s Let’s Meditate initiative

  • Trained in Presence-Based Coaching at Cornell University

  • Certified Executive Coach via Assenter Coaching

  • Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach (this certification involved working directly with Tina Swithin (founder of One Mom’s Battle) and teachings from other faculty including Dr. Ramani Durvasula)

Areas of Familiarity

  • Coercive control, domestic violence, and post-separation abuse

  • Narcissistic traits & antisocial traits

  • Adverse childhood experiences

  • Domestic violence by proxy

  • Triangulation, manipulation & gaslighting in children

  • Children exhibiting oppositional and conduct-related symptoms

  • Child protective services involvement

  • Mindset work

  • Resiliency, joy, & mindfulness


  • American Bar Association

  • National Safe Parents Coalition

  • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals

Things I get really excited about:

  • Music

  • Mindfulness

  • Writing

  • Trauma and dissociation

  • Nervous system regulation

  • Bravery

  • Storytelling

  • Living in alignment with your values

  • Women supporting women

  • Glitter

  • Flowers

  • The ocean and the lake

  • Fish tacos

  • Stand up paddleboarding

  • Windsurfing

Let’s Work Together