Amplify, a small group mastermind for protective parents, starts again in the fall. Click below to learn more and have the option for early enrollment.

What people are saying…

This group is SO very different from everything else I have tried because it encouraged me to listen to MY intuition above all else.

Participating in Amplify has given me tools that I now use in my every day life to increase my joy and self-love. I trust myself so much more and am so grateful that I was a part of the inaugural cohort of Amplify.

Joining Amplify will give you a community of like-minded women who hold space for you and will teach you that you can trust yourself.
— Meredith
This group was different from other groups in terms of the sisterhood I felt, and the amount that I dug into my feelings in that moment. In the past, I’ve had a difficult time.

This is such an incredible companion to an high conflict divorce process. Through this and through therapy, I found my brain chemistry literally changing throughout and thinking about conflicts in such a new way.
— Ellie
Lauren is someone who brings people together in a way that’s not just physical, but she also very magically knows how to lead and navigate, and for things to flow. Even if she has to put a boundary, it’s done so gracefully and consciously.

This opportunity is life changing. It has left a mark in my heart and life that will remain forever. If you are given the opportunity - dive in. You deserve a safe place to be seen. You will come alive again.
— Rebecca

Where were you before Amplify, “I was gearing up for an extended court case. My ex was not responding to requests from lawyers and was threatening me. I was feeling a lot of defensiveness and fear about what was to come. I was parallel parenting from a place of fear of confrontation. I was giving up a LOT of myself in order to stabilize his emotions and I was internalizing his criticisms of me. We were living out of the same house and the energy was negative and draining.”

Where were you when you left? “I found myself with a lot of strength but also deep with emotion. I moved out of the house on the last day of our cohort and felt so empowered and steady. I was able to say goodbye to the things that did not serve me. And my dreams are large and colorful.”

Writing Groups

I also periodically lead small writing groups, where we work together for six weeks at a time. The next writing group will begin on 9/20/24.