

Amplify Group Program

Amplify is an 8-week group program for survivors of coercive control and protective mothers. It is a beautiful, life-giving, inspiring group where survivors are seen, celebrated, and amplify each other as a collective. Sign up for the waitlist for the next session of Amplify here.


1:1 Coaching - Individual Session

One individual 50-minute session.


1:1 Coaching - Bimonthly Support

Two sessions a month, plus additional support outside of sessions, Monday-Thursday via text and voice messaging app.


1:1 Coaching - Weekly Support

We’ll completely customize our time together based on what is most important to you. This could look like accomplishing goals for emotional freedom and finding ways to cope with overwhelming adversity. It could also involve more logistical items, like reviewing your documentation approach. Exploring ideas to discuss with your attorney. Reviewing your communication approach, presentation, and how to get people to really hear you. Determining a strategy for energy management and feeling better. Weekly sessions plus additional support Monday-Thursday via text and voice messaging app.

*Minimum 3 month commitment.

Let’s work together.